Start automating now with a free trial

Free Trial

Get started with no credit card required


14 days

5 workflows (50 components per workflow)

300 actions

100 AI responses/outputs

2 Administrator/Editor Users

10 End Users

Chat and email support


Great for smaller teams and startups


/ per month

Unlimited workflows

1000 actions per month

300 AI responses/outputs

2 Administrator/Editor Users

10 End users


For Teams ready to scale their workflows


/ per month

Unlimited workflows

5,000 actions per month

500 AI responses/outputs

2 Administrator/Editor Users

10 End users

Dedicated Slack or Teams channel support

Professional Plus

For Teams running complex workflows at scale


/ per month

Unlimited workflows

15,000 actions per month

1,000 AI responses/outputs

2 Administrator/Editor Users

10 End users

Dedicated Slack or Teams channel support


Full-service plan for the most complex and mission-critical workflows


Unlimited workflows

Unlimited actions

Unlimited AI responses/outputs

Custom User Licensing

On-Premise Support

Custom integrations and code

Dedicated Account Manager

Full-service implementation and professional services support

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an action?
What is an action?
What is an action?
What is an AI response/output?
What is an AI response/output?
What is an AI response/output?
Do I need to pay for additional users?
Do I need to pay for additional users?
Do I need to pay for additional users?
Do I need a user account to submit a form or task?
Do I need a user account to submit a form or task?
Do I need a user account to submit a form or task?
Do you have a lower priced plan available?
Do you have a lower priced plan available?
Do you have a lower priced plan available?

Start automating now

You are just a few minutes away from your first automated workflow

14 days free trial

No credit card required

Start automating now

You are just a few minutes away from your first automated workflow

14 days free trial

No credit card required

Start automating now

You are just a few minutes away from your first automated workflow

14 days free trial

No credit card required